How To Save Money In College

5 Easy Ways to Save Money

1. Learn how to cook.
This honestly varies depending on how much experience that you have with cooking but generally you can stick to easier recipes if you are just starting. Cooking gives you the freedom to eat whatever you want at a cheaper price. This is because you can buy ingredients to customize the food however you want and it might seem costly at first but those ingredients will usually be able to make other meals as well, so you get more bang for your buck.  

2. Try to plan free events or activities with your friends.
Usually people go out to get meals when they hang out which can still be affordable. If you have the option to have a meal plan I would definitely recommend getting one because even if you live off campus it is still convenient to get the something to eat on campus. An example of some events you and your friends can do is a movie night where you use someone's Netflix and everyone brings something like a bag of popcorn, the candy, etc. Another popular idea is a game night, you can't beat a good game of Uno or Cards Against Humanity. Lastly there is also the option a picnic at the park or on the campus lawn or square where you just catch up and play some games.  

3. Really focus on electricity and other utilities.
This is self explanatory but in the midst of all the chaos of school you can forget to conserve energy as much as possible. However, this can really affect your monthly budget so be sure you don't leave your AC running in the summer when no one is home and any other tricks that would work for your home. 
4. Utilize all of your schools free services.
This can relate to anything the school offers for free. Some schools offer free counseling, in these uncertain times that would be a great resource to utilize. Many schools have a free campus recreation center and right now obviously isn't the best time to go out but for next semester it would be a great option to just use your school's workout equipment instead of buying a gym membership. Tip: go to all the events of campus that have free food, you can make new friends while getting fed. 

5. Thrifting!
This tip is more tailored for people who love fashion or are moving to a new area with very extreme weather. Thrifting is a great cost effective way to build your closet and change up your look. Another benefit is that it is a very sustainable option.


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